Information Technology
Grade 8 Cross Curricula Project 2023 – Term 2 and 3
On 2 May, the D-school visited Rondebosch to introduce the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to start the boys thinking about, and illustrating the rich picture that develops from unpacking Goal number 15 – Life on Land. The project aims to engage students in using their design and technology skills to create solutions or awareness around the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In a 50-minute session, the boys worked in small groups to identify an issue related to the SDG and then drew a rich picture to show how the goal related to their context.
This project is being implemented with the support of The Hasso Plattner School of Design Thinking Afrika at the University of Cape Town. Students will work in small groups to identify an issue related to one of the SDGs and then design and build a prototype solution using the microbit, a small programmable device that can be used for a variety of projects.
The graphics department will provide instruction on graphic design principles and tools, which students will use to create initial, developed, and final designs and other visual elements for their projects. The technology department will provide instruction on coding and robotics using The Microbit, as well as supporting students in the building and testing of their prototypes.
Throughout the project, students will be encouraged to consider the ethical and environmental implications of their designs and solutions, as well as the impact they could have on local and global communities. The project will culminate in a showcase event, where students will present their prototypes and reflect on their learning experiences.
Overall, this project will provide students with an opportunity to develop a range of skills, including problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication, while also contributing to the broader goal of promoting sustainable development and addressing global challenges.
We look forward to the next interactive session with the D-school.