Old Boy Authors
Rondebosch is proud of the many Old Boys and staff who have written fiction and non-fiction books on diverse subjects ranging from medical to engineering to botanical and historical subjects. The list includes Rhys Isaac (E1954) who won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for History and multiple award winning cartoonist Jonathan ‘Zapiro’ Shapiro (E1976). When Dr Athelstan Spilhaus (E1927) met President John Kennedy in 1962, the President told him, “The only science I ever learned was from your comic strip in the Boston Globe.”
Click on the arrows above the columns to sort year by author, title or E-Year or use the Search facility on the right. Change Show entries to All to show the full list. The most recent publications are indicated in the left column (click on the arrows to sort).
List updated 29 November 2024
2024 | Clohessy, Christopher | 1981 | The Outrider (2024) |
2024 | Cornell, John C | 1961 | Constantia's Forgotten Farms |
2024 | Daly, Kevin | 1985 | Truth in Love [2024] |
2024 | Lancaster, Richard | 1955 | Heaps More Observations of an Ordinary Bloke [2024] |
2024 | Leary, Perry | 1955 | Beside Myself (2024) |
2024 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Have I Got GNUs For You (2024) |
2024 | Steyn, Richard | 1960 | Rhodes and his Banker (2024) |
2023 | Douglas , Rod | 1965 | In My Father’s Footsteps (2023) |
2023 | Einhorn, Frank | 1962 | Managing Business Projects (2023) |
2023 | Haycock, John | 1960 | Merrily, Merrily, Life is but a dream (2023) |
2023 | Lancaster, Richard | 1955 | Even More Observations of an Ordinary Bloke [2023] |
2023 | Leary, Perry | 1955 | Among My Own (2023) |
2023 | Leary, Perry | 1955 | Happy Highways (2023) |
2023 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | RamApocalypse Now (2023) |
2023 | Shaw, Ben | 2009 | The First Kudu (2023) |
2022 | Basson, Whitey | 1963 | Whitey: The Rise and Rule of the Shoprite King (2022) |
2022 | Bertish, Chris | 1992 | All in! (2022) |
2022 | Lancaster, Richard | 1955 | Love, Dugongs and a Ship (2022) |
2022 | Lancaster, Richard | 1955 | More Observations of an Ordinary Bloke [2022] |
2022 | Lancaster, Richard | 1955 | Not Quite a Dozen (2022) |
2022 | Leary, Perry | 1955 | Pardonable Offences (2022) |
2022 | Lee, Michael | 1973 | As Earth Was Shining (2022) |
2022 | Lee, Michael | 1973 | Earthrise 2036 (2020) |
2022 | Lee, Michael | 1973 | Poems from Home and Abroad (2022) |
2022 | Lee, Michael | 1973 | Robo Rage - day of the machines (2022) |
2022 | Lee, Michael | 1973 | Yeshua : Boyhood of the Christ (2022) |
2022 | Russell, Mike | 1972 | Matters of Principal (2022) |
2022 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | It's not how it looks! (2022) |
2022 | Steyn, Richard | 1960 | Milner: Last of the Empire Builders (2022) |
2022 | Stramrood, Ryan | 1991 | Push Past Impossible (2022) |
2022 | Zungu , Nkululeko | 2012 | South African Folk Songs Collection (2022) |
2021 | Clohessy, Christopher | 1981 | Angels Hastening, The Karbala Dreams (2021) |
2021 | du Plessis, Murray | 1989 | Modern Meditations: 101 Ways to Slow Down & Connect to Spirit (2021) |
2021 | Hickson, David | 1984 | Murderous (2021) |
2021 | Hickson, David | 1984 | Treasonous (2021) |
2021 | Hickson, David | 1984 | Vengeful (2021) |
2021 | Hood, David | 1993 | Deep in the Delta (2021) |
2021 | Hood, David | 1993 | Leaving Aphrodite (2021) |
2021 | Househam, Craig | 1966 | Walking the Road of Heathcare in South Africa. My 40-year Journey |
2021 | Human, Charles | 1997 | Ancestral (2021) |
2021 | Ingram, Warren | 1993 | Global Investing Made Easy (2021) |
2021 | Lancaster, Richard | 1955 | Observations of an Ordinary Bloke [2021] |
2021 | Lee, Michael | 1973 | Lord of the Bats (2021) (with Bruce Mathew E1973) |
2021 | Mathew, Bruce | 1973 | Lord of the Bats (2021) (with Michael Lee E1973) |
2021 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | It Only Comes in Orange, Mr Zuma (2021) |
2021 | Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Caught in the Act, The adventures of Tony and Friend, by Roy Harding and illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2021 |
2021 | Whittington-Jones, Brendan | 1994 | The Accidental Invasion of Baghdad Zoo (2021) |
2020 | Allison, John | 1979 | The Separation of Powers : Legal Cultures in Historical and Comparative Perspective (2020) |
2020 | Diemont, Marius | 1956 | Blombos: Dawn of Modern Human Behaviour and Fishing Paradise (2020) |
2020 | Giliomee, Daniel | 1985 | Byrds and Bees - The love story (2020) |
2020 | Hurst, Nicholas | 1955 | The Farm Attack (2020) |
2020 | Hurst, Nicholas | 1955 | The Night of Broken Glass (2020) |
2020 | Lee, Michael | 1973 | Passage to Faith (2020) |
2020 | Lee, Michael | 1973 | Three Hundred and Twenty-One: Haiku Intimate Reflections (2020) |
2020 | Myburgh, Philip | 1984 | Fifty-two | Twee-en-vyftig (2020) |
2020 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Do the macrona (2020) |
2020 | Steyn, Richard | 1960 | Seven Votes: How WWII Changed South Africa Forever (2020) |
2020 | Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | The Islanders by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2020 |
2020 | Wilson, Peter | 1965 | Waiting for the Rain (2020) |
2019 | Evans, Gavin | 1977 | Skin Deep: Journeys in the Divisive Science of Race (2019) |
2019 | Goldman, Gary | 1977 | Field Guide to Mushrooms and other Fungi of South Africa (2019) |
2019 | Ingram, Warren | 1993 | Become Your Own Financial Advisor (2013 & 2019) |
2019 | Joffe, Lawrence | 1979 | Abandoned Sacred Places (2019) |
2019 | Lee, Michael | 1973 | Chrysalis (2019) (with Bruce Mathew E1973) |
2019 | Mathew, Bruce | 1973 | Chrysalis (2019) (with Michael Lee E1973) |
2019 | Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour the Recipients of the Medal of The Order Of The British Empire (2019) |
2019 | Schroder, Bill | 1961 | A Headmaster’s Story - My Life in Education (2019) |
2019 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Which Side Is Up? (2019) |
2018 | Beattie, David | 1993 | The Expert Landlord (2018) |
2018 | Clohessy, Christopher | 1981 | Half of my Heart (2018) |
2018 | Hellenberg, Roy | Staff | A School Where I Belong (2018) |
2018 | Helm, Charles | 1975 | XX: Twenty Years of the Emperor’s Challenge (2018) |
2018 | Hislop, Jim | 1991 | Behind the Castle (2018) |
2018 | Hurst, Nicholas | 1955 | The Invisible Specialist (2018) |
2018 | McGaffin, Patrick | 1955 | Arrows of the Universe (2018) |
2018 | Priilaid, David | 1982 | Creativity Explained: From Music and Art to Innovation in Business (2018) |
2018 | Proudfoot, Jonathan | 2002 | The Real Meal Revolution Low Carb Cooking (2018) |
2018 | Roux, Theunis | 1985 | The Politico-Legal Dynamics of Judicial Review (2018) |
2018 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Let the Sunshine In (2018) |
2018 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | WTF: Capturing Zuma – A Cartoonist’s Tale (2018) |
2018 | Steyn, Richard | 1960 | Churchill's Confidant: Jan Smuts, Enemy to Lifelong Friend (2018) |
2018 | Steyn, Richard | 1960 | Louis Botha: A Man Apart (2018) |
2018 | Storey, Peter | 1955 | I Beg to Differ: Ministry Amid the Teargas (2018) |
2018 | Swift, Mark | 1963 | Unfinished Business, 2018 (published posthumously by his son) |
2018 | Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Bokkie to the rescue by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2018 |
2018 | Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Pindi son of Jelani and Chinwe by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2018 |
2018 | van Zyl-Smit, Richard | 1990 | They Don't Award Nobel Prizes to Dead People (2018) |
2017 | Adams, Brian | 1969 | Of Course You Can (2017) |
2017 | Bedford, Trevor | 1978 | White Innocence and Lost Wars (2017) |
2017 | Dalgliesh, Bregham | 1985 | Critique as Critical History (2017) |
2017 | Diemont, Marius | 1956 | The Confiscated Coast (2017) |
2017 | Evans, Gavin | 1977 | Mapreaders and Multitaskers: Men, Women, Nature, Nurture (2017) |
2017 | Evans, Gavin | 1977 | Over the Rainbow: the hidden meanings of colour (2017) |
2017 | Hart, Tim | 1978 | Green Point Burial Grounds (2017) |
2017 | Hillier, Rex | 1967 | Last Round. Cheers! From Alcoholic Insanity to Hope (2017) |
2017 | Lee, Michael | 1973 | Heartbeat: A novel memorialising the first human heart transplant (2017) |
2017 | McCallum, Ian | 1961 | Why Poetry matters (2017) |
2017 | Myles, Peter | 1959 | Maritime Clusters & the Ocean Economy (2017) |
2017 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Hasta la Gupta, Baby! (2017) |
2017 | Steyn, Richard | 1960 | Churchill and Smuts: The Friendship (2017) |
2017 | Strydom, Fred | 1999 | The Inside Out Man (2017) |
2017 | Theron, Jan | 1967 | Solidarity Road - The story of a trade union in the ending of apartheid (2017) |
2017 | Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Fun day at the castle by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2017 |
2016 | du Preez, Michael | 1952 | Dr James Barry - A Woman Ahead of Her Time (2016) |
2016 | Friedman, Roger | 1981 | Aan de zijde van NELSON MANDELA, From black and white to full colour (2016) |
2016 | Ingram, Warren | 1993 | How to make your first million (2016) |
2016 | Joffe, Lawrence | 1979 | A Modern History of the Jews: From the Middle Ages to the Present Day (2016) |
2016 | Myles, Peter | 1959 | Maritime Clusters: An Integrated Approach to Managing Ocean Space (2016) |
2016 | Proudfoot, Jonathan | 2002 | Real Meal Revolution Banting 2.0 (2016) |
2016 | Rogatschnig, Marc | 1993 | Distance in Our Blood (2016) |
2016 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Dead Presient Walking (2016) |
2016 | Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Chameleon Races Rabbit (Folk tale) Little Zebra Books 2016 |
2016 | Trott, Jonathan | 1999 | Unguarded (2016) |
2016 | Veitch, Neil | 1963 | Wynberg 175, 1841 – 2016 (2016) |
2015 | Adams, Brian | 1969 | Managing Outsourced Reporting Services Effectively (2015) |
2015 | Bertish, Chris | 1992 | Stoked (2015) |
2015 | Bobo, Gcobani | 1997 | The Rise Of The Dagger (2015) |
2015 | Diemont, Marius | 1956 | The Arniston 1815-2015 |
2015 | Evans, Gavin | 1977 | Black Brain, White Brain: Is Intelligence Skin Deep? (2015) |
2015 | Evans, Gavin | 1977 | The Challenge - Outlawed Paintball Games (2015) |
2015 | Helm, Charles | 1975 | Through an Unknown Country – the Jarvis-Hanington winter expedition through the Northern Rockies, 1874-1875 (with Mike Murtha, 2015) |
2015 | Lancaster, Richard | 1955 | Six of One and Half a Dozen of Another (2015) |
2015 | Parker, Howard | 1965 | John Parker - Architect and Mayor of Cape Town (2015) |
2015 | Proudfoot, Jonathan | 2002 | Real Meal Revolution Raising Superheroes (2015) |
2015 | Proudfoot, Jonathan | 2002 | The Real Meal Revolution by Prof Tim Noakes, Sally-Ann Creed, Jonno Proudfoot and David Grier (2015) |
2015 | Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Rhodes Rage (2015) |
2015 | Steyn, Richard | 1960 | Jan Smuts: Unafraid of Greatness (2015) |
2015 | Strydom, Fred | 1999 | The Raft (2015) |
2015 | Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Treknet (2015 - an anthology of the comic strip) (Gavin Thomson (E'85 - Illustrator, with words by Dave Gomersall) |
2015 | Whittington-Jones, Brendan | 1994 | African Wild Dogs: On the Front Line (2015) |
Adams, Mark | 1971 | The Rhodesian Light Infantry: Africa’s Commandos (2012) (with Chris Cocks) | |
Adams, Steve | 1978 | Oracle 8i Internal Services (1999) | |
Agnew, Athol | 1950 | Advanced Mathematics (1980) | |
Allison, John | 1979 | A Continental Distinction in the Common Law – A Historical and Comparative Perspective on English Public Law (1996 & 2000) | |
Allison, John | 1982 | Edward Elgar: Sacred Music (1995) | |
Allison, John | 1979 | The English Historical Constitution: Continuity, Change and European Effects (2007) | |
Allison, John | 1982 | The Pocket Companion to Opera (1994) | |
Bailey, Gary | 1975 | Divorce for Dads (2011) | |
Bailey, Gary | 1975 | Succeed Under Pressure (2012) | |
Becker, David | 1988 | The Essential Legal Guide to Events: A Practical Handbook for Event Professionals and Their Advisors (2006) | |
Been, Ken | 1971 | Soil liquefaction: a critical state approach. (2006) | |
Berkovich, Barry | 1954 | The Cape Gunsmith (1976), and Co-Author of 2 academic books | |
Bertish, Greg | 1988 | The Little Optimist | |
Bester, Dave | 1976 | My Friend Paperman (2014) | |
Bouchier, Ian | 1948 | Gastroenterology (1973, 1977 & 1982) | |
Broster, Clyde | 1960 | Diepkloof (writings of Alan Paton compiled & edited by C Broster). | |
Broster, Clyde | 1960 | English Highway Levels 1 to Level 4 (co-author with C Broster, M Russell, C During, D Craig and others) | |
Broster, Clyde | 1960 | English Highway Test Level (co-author) | |
Broster, Clyde | 1960 | Operations in Language and Style (co-author) | |
Broster, Clyde | 1960 | Unswept Leaves – A teacher’s Life (writing as Chris Baker) | |
Broster, John | 1965 | Good News Scripture for Standards 6 and 7 (co-author) | |
Broster, Peter | 1961 | Successful Science Grades 10, 11 and 12 (co-author) | |
Buchanan , Olive | Staff | Title to be confirmed | |
Carletti, Susan | Staff | Mathematics: G 11: Learner's Book (2006) by Neil Eddy, Susan Carletti, Tickey De Jager | |
Carletti, Susan | Staff | Step Ahead: Mathematics: Gr 10: Learner's Book | |
Chetty, Lee-Roy | 1999 | Imagining Web 3.0 (2011) | |
Clarke, Alan | 1962 | The Handbook for School Governors (2009). | |
Clarke, Alan | 1962 | The Handbook of School Management (2007) | |
Clohessy, Christopher | 1981 | Fatima, Daughter of Muhammad (2009) | |
Cornell, DE | 1933 | The History of the Rondebosch Boys' High School (1947) | |
Cornell, John C | 1961 | Steaming into the 20th Century - Photographing Steam Trains in South Africa | |
Cottrel, Noel | 1985 | Sushi Made Easy (2001) | |
Craig, David | Staff | English Highway Levels 1 to Level 4 (co-author with C Broster, M Russell, C During, D Craig and others) | |
Craig, David | Staff | Reel Life an introductory course in film and TV study (1990) (with Clive During) | |
de Jager, Tickey | Staff | Interlude for Mathematicians (1988) | |
de Jager, Tickey | Staff | Just Mathematics: (1983) | |
de Jager, Tickey | Staff | Just Mathematics: Grade 11 / Standard 9 (1997) | |
de Jager, Tickey | Staff | Just Mathematics: Standard 9 & 10 (Higher Grade) (1985) | |
de Jager, Tickey | Staff | Just Mathematics: Std 10/ Sg (1986 Syllabus) | |
de Jager, Tickey | Staff | Mathematics: G 11: Learner's Book (2006) by Neil Eddy, Susan Carletti, Tickey De Jager | |
de Jager, Tickey | Staff | More than Just Maths (1996) | |
de Jager, Tickey | Staff | More Than Just Maths (1996) | |
de Jager, Tickey | Staff | New Mathematics (1984) | |
de Jager, Tickey | Staff | On Track with Maths: Gr 9 Learner's Book (2001) | |
de Kock, Dan | 1958 | Standing Firm in a time of Shaking (2007), Xulon Press, USA. | |
de Kock, Matthys | 1965 | The Nehemiah Torch | |
de Kock, Matthys | 1965 | Power 2000 A Life of Stress Free Success | |
Diemont, Marius | 1956 | Beyond the Orange: Pioneers in a Land of Thirst and Peril | |
Diemont, Marius | 1956 | By Hook or by Cook | |
Diemont, Marius | 1956 | Rogues to Riches - The fortunes of Olof Bergh and the van der Stels | |
Diemont, Marius | 1956 | The Strandveld: Africa's Foot of Isolation | |
Divine, AD | 1910s? | Wine of Good Hope (1939) (pseudonym David Rame) | |
During , Clive | 1973 | English Highway Levels 1 to Level 4 (co-author with C Broster, M Russell, C During, D Craig and others) | |
During, Clive | 1973 | Reel Life an introductory course in film and TV study (1990) (with David Craig) | |
E1963 50 year reunion 2013, | 1963 | In a Class of our Own (2013) | |
Eaton, Anthony | 1959 | English Highway Levels 1 to Level 4 (co-author with C Broster, M Russell, C During, D Craig and others) | |
Eddy, Neil | Staff | Mathematics: G 11: Learner's Book (2006) by Neil Eddy, Susan Carletti, Tickey De Jager | |
Elliott, Frank | 1928 | Clinical Neurology (1964) | |
Evans, Gavin | 1977 | Biopic: Iggy Pop (2003) | |
Evans, Gavin | 1977 | Dancing Shoes is Dead (2002) | |
Evans, Gavin | 1977 | Kings of the Ring, 2005 | |
Evans, Gavin | 1977 | Mama’s Boy: Lennox Lewis and the Heavyweight Crown (2004) | |
Evans, Gavin | 1977 | Prince of the Ring: Lennox Lewis and the Heavyweight Crown (1996) | |
Evans, Gavin | 1977 | Wicked: the Prince Naseem Phenomenom! 1999 | |
Eve, Kevin | 1985 | Then the King Will Say: Poverty Relief and Discipleship | |
Fallows, Chris | 1990 | Great White: The Majesty of Sharks(2009) | |
Farquharson (Watson-Morris), Nancy | Staff | Love Came (1987) | |
Farquharson (Watson-Morris), Nancy | Staff | Such Fun (1987) Translated into Afrikaans 'Sulke Pret') | |
Ferguson, Bruce | 1963 | From a Distance (1995) | |
Fish, Gavin | 1981 | Taming the Teenager (2014) | |
Flesch, Julian | 1978 | The Quickening (2014) | |
Forbes, Vernon | tbc C1922 | Paterson's Cape Travels | |
Forbes, Vernon | tbc C1922 | Pioneer Travellers In South Africa | |
Friedman, Roger | 1981 | The South African Story with Archbishop Desmond Tutu (2011) | |
Fuchs, Alexis | 1960 | Die Du Toit’s van Suid-Afrika (2009) Genealogist of the Year award 2010 for an exemplary genealogical product | |
Gage, Jack | 1924 | Greek Adventure (1950) | |
Gill, Kevin | 1957 | Wild Flowers of the Magaliesberg (2012) | |
Haresnape, Geoffrey | 1955 | African tales from Shakespeare (1999) | |
Haresnape, Geoffrey | 1955 | Drive of the tide (1976) | |
Haresnape, Geoffrey | 1955 | Mulberries in autumn (1996) | |
Haresnape, Geoffrey | 1955 | New-born images (1991) | |
Haresnape, Geoffrey | 1955 | Testimony - Heinemann/Weekly Mail award | |
Haresnape, Geoffrey | 1955 | The living and the dead: selected and new poems (2000) | |
Haresnape, Geoffrey | 1955 | Where the Wind Wills (2011) | |
Haupt, Kevin | 1981 | Computers are only human | |
Haupt, Kevin | 1981 | The Stone Circle (2013) | |
Helm, Charles | 1975 | Beyond Rock and Coal – the history of the Tumbler Ridge area (2000) | |
Helm, Charles | 1975 | Daniel’s Dinosaurs – a true story of discovery (2004) | |
Helm, Charles | 1975 | Exploring Tumbler Ridge (2008) | |
Helm, Charles | 1975 | The Forgotten Explorer - Samuel Prescott Fay's 1914 Expedition to the Northern Rockies | |
Helm, Charles | 1975 | Tumbler Ridge – Enjoying its History, Trails and Wilderness (2001) | |
Helm, Charles | 1975 | Tumbler Ridge: the human history (2013) | |
Helm, Charles | 1975 | Tumbler Ridge: the scenery (2013) | |
Heyns, Tinkie | Staff | Know your Rugby (1983) | |
Hill, John | 1963 | Writing a Rollercoaster Screenplay | |
Hirschsohn, Philip (Prof) | 1976 | Research Methodology: Business and Management Contexts (2014) | |
Hislop, Jim | 1991 | Wheatfields & Windmills - The Old Homesteads & Farms of Observatory (2014) | |
Hood, David | 1993 | Whatever You Do, Don’t Run: True tales by not-so-rugged rangers (2010) | |
Househam, Craig | 1966 | Epidemiology, Clinical Features, Aetiology and Course of Acute Infectious Diarrhoea in Infants | |
Howe, Graham | 1974 | District Six and the Group Areas Act (1980) | |
Howe, Graham | 1974 | Industrial Relations in South Africa, 1982-1984 (1984) | |
Howe, Graham | 1974 | New Frontiers: The KwaZulu/Natal Debates (1987) | |
Howe, Graham | 1974 | Political Conflict in South Africa, 1984-1988. (1988) | |
Howe, Graham | 1974 | Rotating the Cube: Environmental Strategies for the 1990s. GW Howe & R Preston-Whyte (eds).(1990) | |
Howe, Graham | 1974 | The low-income housing crisis in the Cape Peninsula (1981) | |
Howe, Graham | 1974 | Transforming the Economy: Policy Options for South Africa. GW Howe & Pieter le Roux (eds). (1992) | |
Howell, Wayne | 1981 | Killer Excuses (2013) | |
Howell, Wayne | 1981 | Reasonable Doubt | |
Hudson, Alan | 1954 | Atlas of Peripheral Nerve Surgery- 2001 (also Chinese edition) | |
Hudson, Alan | 1954 | Nerve Injuries. 1995, 2008 & 2010 (Lesiones Nerviosas - Spanish edition) | |
Hugo, Pierre | 1960 | PJ Hugo and HJ Kotze (co-authors): Suid Afrika, Oorlewing In Politieke Perspektief (1978) | |
Hugo, Pierre | 1960 | Quislings or Realists? A study of 'Coloured politics in South Africa [1978] | |
Hugo, Pierre | 1960 | Redistribution and Affirmative Action [1992] | |
Hugo, Pierre | 1960 | South African Perspectives [1989] | |
Human, Charles | 1997 | Kill Baxter (2014) | |
Human, Charles | 1997 | Apocalypse Now Now (2013) | |
Hurst, Nicholas | 1955 | South Pole Santa (2014) | |
Hurst, Nicholas | 1955 | The Haunted Valley (2014) | |
Hurst, Nicholas | 1955 | The Story of an African Doctor (2014) | |
Isaac, Rhys | 1954 | Landon Carter's Uneasy Kingdom: Revolution and Rebellion on a Virginia Plantation (2005) | |
Isaac, Rhys | 1954 | The Transformation of Virginia, 1740-1790 (1982) For which he won the Pulitzer prize for History (1983) | |
Isaac, Rhys | 1954 | Worlds of Experience: Communities in Colonial Virginia (Foundations of America Series, 1987) | |
Jacka, Dick | 1942 | Social Contract Bridge Made Easy | |
Jenkin, Tim | 1966 | Inside Out: Escape from Pretoria Prison (1987 & 2003). | |
Joffe, Lawrence | 1979 | An Illustrated History of the Jewish People (2012) | |
Joffe, Lawrence | 1979 | Keesings Guide to the Mid-East Peace Process (1996) | |
Joffe, Lawrence | 1979 | The History of the Jews from the Ancients to the Middle Ages (2014) | |
Johnston, Steven | 1992 | Preaching the Gospel in the Light of the Covenants: How Good is the Good News of the Gospel? | |
Kernick, Louis | 1947 | Administration of Estates and drawing of wills (1979) | |
Kirsten, Gary | 1985 | Gazza: The Gary Kirsten Autobiography (2004) | |
Lancaster, Richard | 1955 | A Bakers Dozen Plus 2 (2014) | |
Lee, Michael | 1973 | Being Alive: Poems of experience & reflection | |
Lee, Michael | 1973 | Codebreaking our Future: Deciphering the Future's Hidden Order (2014) | |
Lee, Michael | 1973 | God alive: in the beginning | |
Lee, Michael | 1973 | Knowing our Future: The startling case for futurology | |
Lee, Michael | 1973 | One Million Years Ago: An epic story of hominids | |
Lee, Michael | 1973 | Rocket Ride of the Secret Cosmonaut: A novella about the world’s first space travellers | |
Lee, Michael | 1973 | Strange Time in Tokyo: The Advent of Superhuman | |
Lee, Michael | 1973 | Voyage of the Moon Dream: A novel memorialising the first human lunar landing | |
Lee, Michael | 1973 | World Alive: small songs of travelling | |
Lee, Michael | 1973 | Year of the Beast: A novel about drought in South Africa | |
Little, Eric H | tbc | Action Pacific 1947 | |
Little, Eric H | tbc | Liberty Men Fall In 1945 | |
Little, Eric H | tbc | The Luck of HMS Dragon 1944 | |
Little, Ivor (captain) | 1954 | Above Board and Under Cover (2009) | |
Low, Barrie | 1969 | Vegetation of South Africa (1996) | |
Macleod, Guy | 1959 | Cultural Considerations - A guide to understanding culture, courtesy and etiquette in South African business (2002) | |
Macleod, Guy | 1959 | Starting Your Own Business in South Africa (1983) | |
Malherbe, Braam | 1976 | The Great Run - Conquering the Sleeping Dragon Within - Life's Lessons on the Run (2011) | |
Martin, Desmond | 1953 | The Bishops Churches (2005) | |
Martin, Desmond | 1953 | Rondebosch - As I knew It (2013) | |
Martin, Desmond | 1953 | Walking Long Street (2007) | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Gallantry and Distinguished Service Awards to the Australian Army During the First World War | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour The Airforces 2013 | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour The Armies 2006 | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour The Civilians 2012. | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour The Navies 2007 | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour The Officers 2009. | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour the Recipients of Foreign Awards | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour those mentioned - the Airforces | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour those mentioned - the Armies Vol II | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour those mentioned - the Navies | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour those mentioned in the Great War Vol I | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour those mentioned in the Great War Vol II | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honour those mentioned in the Great War Vol III | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honours & Awards 1854-1914 & 1920-1939 | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | Honours those Mentioned in Dispatches 1854-1914 & 1920-1939 | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | The Military Cross to Australians | |
Maton, Michael | 1949 | The National Honours & Awards of Australia | |
McCallum, Ian | 1961 | Ecological Intelligence: Rediscovering Ourselves in Nature | |
McCallum, Ian | 1961 | Thorns to Kilimanjaro | |
McCallum, Ian | 1961 | Untamed | |
McCallum, Ian | 1961 | Wild Gifts | |
Mears, WGA | Staff | The Diary of Erasmus Smit translated by WGA Mears (1972) | |
Mears, WGA | Staff | The Early History Of St Stithians College (1972) | |
Milburn-Pyle , Peter | 1950 | Your Obedient Servant? (non de plume Brad Makin) (2014) | |
Muir, John | 1958 | John Muir’s Guide to Cape Town and the Western Cape (1976) | |
Muir, John | 1958 | Know your Cape (1975) | |
Muir, John | 1958 | Walking Cape Town (2013) | |
Nell, Jeremy | tbc | Jerm Warfare (2013) [2] | |
Norval, Simon | 1976 | Adamastor Rising (2007) | |
Norval, Simon | 1976 | Decoding the past (2013) | |
Norval, Simon | 1976 | Defining Moments: A Memoir - Autobiography of Dr Marius Barnard (co-written 2011) | |
Norval, Simon | 1976 | I hate my Prostate (2012, with Marius Barnard) (Dr Barnard was the father of an Old Boy) | |
Norval, Simon | 1976 | Troubled Waters (2014) | |
Opie, Rob | 1982 | The Game Plan | |
Parents, Old Boys & staff, | 1997 | Rondebosch Boys' School Centenary Recipe Book | |
Pelteret, David | 1961 | Catalogue of English Post-Conquest Vernacular Documents (1990) | |
Pelteret, David | 1961 | Slavery in Early Mediaeval England (1995) | |
Pheiffer, Adrian | 1948 | Killarney, 50 Golden Racing Years 1960 to 2010 (2010) | |
Philip, Andrew | 1974 | Five Bad Days | |
Philip, Andrew | 1974 | The Ebony Waltz | |
Plimsoll, Brian | 1971 | Re:in:car:nation (Citi Golf) [About 2012] (B Plimsoll: Book Design & Art Direction) | |
RBHS & RBPS parents & staff, | 1956 | My Son's Favourite Recipes (1956) | |
Rennie, JVL | C1924 | The Scottish Settler Party Of 1820 | |
Ridout, Nikolas | tbc | The Angels Shall Sing: The Devilmaker | |
Ridout, Nikolas | tbc | The Angels Shall Sing: The Noisemaker | |
Ridout, Nikolas | tbc | The Angels Shall Sing: The Soulmaker | |
Rip, Michael | 1972 | Cholera, Chloroform and the Science of Medicine: A Life of John Snow (2003) (contributor) | |
Rip, Michael | 1972 | The Precision Revolution: GPS and the Future of Aerial Warfare (2002) | |
Roux, Theunis | 1985 | The Politics of Principle: The First South African Constitutional Court, 1995–2005 (2013) | |
Rushforth, David | 1961 | Far From a Carnival (novel), 2011 | |
Rushforth, David | 1961 | Managing across Levels of Government 1997 | |
Rushforth, David | 1961 | Public Management: OECD Country Profiles 1992 | |
Rushforth, David | 1961 | Tales of Tairua (oral history compilation) 2011 | |
Russell, Michael | 1972 | English Highway Levels 1 to Level 4 (co-author with C Broster, M Russell, C During, D Craig and others) | |
Sargeant, Roy | 1959 | Cry The Beloved Country, The Play (2008) | |
Sargeant, Roy | 1959 | The Principal | |
Schreiber, Grant | 1985 | For kak's sake! : the angry person's guide to South Africa (2012) | |
Schreiber, Grant | 1985 | Is it Just Me or is Everything Kak?: The Whingers' Guide to South Africa (2007, with Tim Richman) | |
Schreiber, Grant | 1985 | Is It Just Me Or Is Everything Still Kak? (2008, with Tim Richman) | |
Schreiber, Grant | 1985 | My Dad: By South African Sons (2006) by various writers including Grant Schreiber | |
Schrire, Robert (Prof) | 1963 | Adapt Or Die: The End Of White Politics In South Africa (1992) | |
Schrire, Robert (Prof) | 1963 | Critical Choices for South Africa: An Agenda for the 1990s (1990) | |
Schrire, Robert (Prof) | 1963 | Malan to De Klerk: Leadership in the Apartheid State (1994) | |
Schrire, Robert (Prof) | 1963 | Wealth Or Poverty?: Critical Choices For South Africa (1993) | |
Schurr, Brian | 1944 | A Copper in Calabar Harry Brun | |
Schurr, Brian | 1944 | Manual of Practical Pipeline Construction | |
Schurr, Brian | 1944 | Purchasing for Profit | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Da Zuma Code (2006) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Dr Do-Little and the African Potato (2003) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | End of Part One (1998) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Is There a Spin Doctor in the House? (2005) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Long Walk to Free Time (2004) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Take Two Veg and Call Me in the Morning (2007) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | The ANC Went in 4x4 (2001) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | The Devil Made Me Do It! (2000) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | The Hole Truth (1997) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Bushwhacked (2002) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | But Will It Stand Up in Court? (2012) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Call Mr Delivery (1999) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Democrazy (2014) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Do You Know Who I Am?! (2010)[2] | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Don't Mess with the President's Head (2009) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | It's Code Red! (2014) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Pirates of Polokwane (2008) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Shapiro's World: It's All in the Funnier Details (2009) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | The Big Fat Gupta Wedding (2013) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | The Last Sushi (2011) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | The Madiba Years (1996) | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | The Mandela Files (2008) – Large Format Hardcover | |
Shapiro, Jonathan | 1976 | Vuvuzela Nation – Zapiro on SA Sport 1995 – 2013 (2013) | |
Shires, David | 1953 | Canadian Universities Role in International Health (1986) | |
Shires, David | 1953 | Computer Technology in the Health Sciences (1974) | |
Shires, David | 1953 | Family Medicine (1980) Also "Medicina Familiar" (Spanish edition) | |
Shires, David | 1953 | Medinfo 77 (1977) | |
Sinclair, Roger | 1954 | Get up and Go - a travel book | |
Sinclair, Roger | 1954 | Make the other half work too - A text on advertising on South Africa | |
Sinclair, Roger | 1954 | Marketing in Practice, for the professions | |
Sinclair, Roger | 1954 | South Africa - Pictures of Hope (1988) | |
Sinclair, Roger | 1954 | The South African Advertising book | |
Sinclair, Roger | 1954 | Venture Outdoors - A Southern African First Timers Guide | |
Soule, Paul | 1979 | Autonomics Development: A Domain-Specific Aspect Language Approach [2010] | |
Spencer-Smith, Tony | 1964 | The essentials of good writing (2009) | |
Spencer-Smith, Tony | 1964 | The man who snarled at flowers (1991). Won the M Net Book Prize in 1992. | |
Spencer-Smith, Tony | 1964 | The stooping of Aquila (1998) | |
Spilhaus, Athelstan | 1927 | Analysis of the Cup Anemometer | |
Spilhaus, Athelstan | 1927 | Atlas of the World With Geophysical Boundaries: Showing Oceans, Continents, and Tectonic Plates in Their Entirety | |
Spilhaus, Athelstan | 1927 | Mechanical Toys | |
Spilhaus, Athelstan | 1927 | Ocean Laboratory | |
Spilhaus, Athelstan | 1927 | Satellite | |
Spilhaus, Athelstan | 1927 | Turn to the Sea | |
Spilhaus, Athelstan | 1927 | Weathercraft | |
Starling, Allan | 1955 | Amazing Stories: From Global Recordings Network | |
Starling, Allan | 1955 | Seeds of Promise: World Consultation on Frontier Missions | |
Starling, Allan | 1955 | How to Find Help from Above | |
Stemmet, Johan | Staff | Musiek Trivia | |
Stemmet, Johan | Staff | Woord vir Woord (2012) | |
Storey, Peter | 1955 | And are We Yet Alive? | |
Storey, Peter | 1955 | Journey Begun – the Story of a Church in a New Land | |
Storey, Peter | 1955 | On God and Caesar | |
Storey, Peter | 1955 | There Comes a Time | |
Storey, Peter | 1955 | With God in the Crucible | |
Swift, Mark | 1963 | Seconds Out, 1983 | |
Swift, Mark | 1963 | Gentlewoman, 1978 (initially banned in South Africa) | |
Swift, Mark | 1963 | Testing the edge: Poems, 1996 | |
Swift, Mark | 1963 | Treading Water, 1974 (Ingrid Jonker Prize) | |
Talbot, Frank | 1946 | Encyclopaedia of the Earth: Oceans and Islands 1991 | |
Talbot, Frank | 1946 | Reader's Digest Book of the Great Barrier Reef 1985 | |
Talbot, Frank | 1946 | Sea Creatures: My First Pocket Guide | |
Talbot, Frank | 1946 | Under the Sea 1995 | |
Tennant, Joe | tbc C1940 | Flawed Cacoon | |
Tennant, Joe | tbc C1940 | In the Clouds Above Baghdad: Recollections of the R. F. C. in Mesopotamia during the First World War Against the Turks | |
Tennant, Joe | tbc C1940 | The Red Diamond Navy | |
Tennant, Joe | tbc C1940 | Young Love in War | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Angel and friends by JA Cánovas, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2006 | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Angel and friends volume 2 by Josephine Cánovas and Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2008 | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Angel and friends, The Christmas Edition by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2012 | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Mama Taxi: The Collection (Gavin Thomson (E'85 - Illustrator, with words by Deni Brown) | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | On tour with The New Jeans volume 1 by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2010 | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | On tour with The New Jeans Volume 2 by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Peter and friends by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2007 | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Peter and friends volume 2 by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2009 | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Peter and friends volume 3 by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2014 | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | The Bungle in the jungle by John Bush, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2006 | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Tony and friends volume 3 by Josephine Cànovas and Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2007 | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Tony and friends volume 4 by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2009 | |
Thomson, Gavin | 1985 | Tony and Friends Volume 5 by Roy Harding, illustrated by Gavin Thomson 2012 | |
Townley-Bassett, Stephen | 1975 | Rock Paintings of South Africa (2002) | |
Tredgold, Sir Robert | 1917 | The Matopos (1956) | |
Tredgold, Sir Robert | 1917 | The Rhodesia That Was My Life (1968) | |
Tredgold, Sir Robert | 1917 | Xhosa: Tales of Life from the African Veld | |
Trengove, John | tbc C1936 | Mr. September: A novel of South Africa | |
van Breda, Michael (Prof) | 1958 | Accounting Theory (2001 with Eldon S. Hendriksen) | |
van Breda, Michael (Prof) | 1958 | The Prediction of Corporate Earnings (1981) | |
van Wyk, Charl | 1985 | Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-defense (2011) | |
Veitch, Neil | 1963 | Altius et Latius, Rondebosch Boys' High and Preparatory Schools, 1897-1997 (1997) Historical Society of Cape Town Merit Award | |
Veitch, Neil | 1963 | Queen's College 1858-2008 | |
Veitch, Neil | 1963 | SACS 175: A Celebration | |
Veitch, Neil | 1963 | Waterfront and harbour: Cape Town's link with the sea (1994) | |
Versfeld, Wilferd D | 1974 | Guide to the Waterholes and Animals (for the Etosha National Park) (2003) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Bali Entranced: A Celebration of Ritual (1985) - published in Japanese only | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Beyond Supernature: A New Natural History of the Supernatural (1986) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Dark Nature: A Natural History of Evil (1995) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Dreams of Dragons: Essays on the Edge of Natural History (1986) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Elephantoms: Tracking the Elephant (2002) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Gifts of Unknown Things: An Indonesian Adventure (1976) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Heaven's Breath: A Natural History of the Wind (1984) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Jacobson's Organ and the Remarkable Nature of Smell (2000) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Lasting Nostalgia: Essays Out of Africa (1992) - published in Japanese only | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Lifetide: a Biology of the Unconscious (1979) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Lightning Bird: An African Adventure (1982) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Lost Cradle: A Collection of Dialogues (1997) - published in Japanese only | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Monsoon: Essays on the Indian Ocean (1996) - published in Japanese only | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Neophilia: The Tradition of the New (1989) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Omnivore: The Role of Food in Human Evolution (1972) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Sumo: A Guide to Sumo Wrestling (1989) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Supernature: A Natural History of the Supernatural (1973) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | The Biology of Death: A Matter of Life and Death (1974) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | The Nature of Things: The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | The Romeo Error (1974) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | The Water Planet: A Celebration of the Wonder of Water (1988) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | The Whole Hog: Exploring the Extraordinary Potential of Pigs (2004) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Turtle Islands: Ritual in Indonesia (1995) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Warriors, Warthogs, and Wisdom: Growing up in Africa (1997) | |
Watson, Lyall | 1955 | Whales of the World: A Field Guide to the Cetaceans (1981) | |
Willoughby, Guy | 1973 | Archangels | |
Willoughby, Guy | 1973 | Art and Christhood: The Aesthetics of Oscar Wilde (1993) | |
Wilse-Samson, Jeremy | 1990 | Cape Verticle | |
Wise, Patrick | Staff | Wise after the Event (1995) | |
Wolfaardt, Anton | 1988 | The conservation value of cleaning oiled African Penguins. | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 1978 Treetops (Riverside Studios) (George Devine Award) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 1979 The Gorky Brigade (Royal Court Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 1980 One Fine Day (Riverside Studios) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 1983 The Crimes of Vautrin (Joint Stock Theatre Company) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 1983 The Custom of the Country (Royal Shakespeare Company) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 1984 The Desert Air (Royal Shakespeare Company) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 1988 Mrs. Klein (i.e. Melanie Klein) (Royal National Theatre, Lucille Lortel Theatre, NY)) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 1993 More Tales of the City (TV adaptation) (Channel 4) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 1996 John Gabriel Borkman (adaptation) (Royal National Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 1998 Naked (adaptation) (Almeida Theatre and Playhouse Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2000 Cressida (Almeida at the Albery Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2001 Lulu (adaptation) (Almeida Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2003 His Dark Materials adapted from the trilogy by Philip Pullman (Royal National Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2003 The Little Prince (adapted opera libretto) (BBC Television) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2003 Three Sisters (adaptation) (Royal National Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2003 Vincent in Brixton (Olivier Award, best new play 2003) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2006 Man on the Moon (TV opera libretto with music by Jonathan Dove) (Channel 4) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2006 Thérèse Raquin (adaptation) Chichester Festival Theatre and Royal National Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2007 The Reporter (Royal National Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2008 He's Talking (Royal National Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2008 The Big Bonanza, Poison and The Boy with an African Heart for The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2011 Rattigan's Nijinsky (Chichester Festival Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2011 The Last of the Duchess adapted from the book by Caroline Blackwood. | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2012 Travelling Light (Royal National Theatre) | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2013 A Human Being Died That Night, adapted from the book by Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 2014 "Regeneration", adapted from the novel by Pat Barker | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | 99 Plays - a personal selection from Aeschylus to the present day | |
Wright, Nicholas | 1957 | Changing Stages: A View of British Theatre in the 20th Century - co-authored with Sir Richard Eyre | |