Our Team

Head of Little Bosch
Erina Muir
Erina has many years experience in Early Childhood Development and has been the Grade R Teacher at Oakhurst Girls’ Junior for 13 years. Erina has worked closely with the WCED in the rollout of their Literacy and Numeracy Programmes. The Little Bosch Team welcomes her in her new role as Head of Little Bosch.
Carrigan Louw
As Grade R Head she co-ordinates the curriculum planning and handles the administrative duties pertaining to the daily Grade R events.
Shameemah Hendricks
Shameemah has recently joined the Little Bosch family. She is a passionate and caring Grade R teacher who enjoys creating a stimulating learning environment for our boys.
Sjaan Douglass
Sjaan joined us in a full time-time position as a Grade R teacher in 2024 after having taught in a maternity position at Little Bosch for the last term of 2023. Her bubbly nature ensures that learning is fun and interactive for our boys. Sjaan has 16 years experience teaching young children, both in Grade R and Pre-Grade R. She is a welcome addition to the team.
Claire O’Donoghue
Claire joined the Little Bosch Team in 2023 after having taught Grade 2 at Rondebosch Boys’ Prep in 2022. Claire has 16 years experience teaching both Grade R and Grade 1 and has enjoyed the transition to teaching boys after teaching girls for many years. Claire is a well-established part of the Little Bosch Team.
Bongi Skempers
Bongi has been at Little Bosch for 5 years. She has 3 children and is a vibrant and energetic member of our staff. She is also the queen of the soccer field which many of our boys are firm fans of.
Babalwa Duka
Babalwa has been at Little Bosch for 8 years. Babalwa has a wonderful sense of humour and can always be found having a laugh with the boys. Babalwa is the mother to an energetic little boy.
Maureen Mapako
Maureen has been at Little Bosch for 16 years. Maureen is hard working and is seldom seen without a smile. She is happily married and has two beautiful daughters.
Eppy Banga
Eppy has been at Little Bosch for 13 years. She has a soft soul and a sweet smile. She is happily married with two beautiful children.
This team supports the teachers in their preparation, daily layout, and during micro lessons. They also oversee safety in the outdoor play areas. Their role is key to the success of the daily programme.
Gabrielle Laporta
Gabie brought her vast experience into her role at Little Bosch in 2009. She manages all of the applications and provides a warm and inviting welcome to all who visit the school. Gabie is well and truly the “face” of Little Bosch.
Lindiwe Melani
Neliswa Melani
Lindiwe is the “go-to person” who maintains a clean and neat downstairs area for everyone at Little Bosch.
Neliswa oversees the cleaning of the upstairs classrooms and therapy rooms.
Peter Mkhize
Peter ensures that our grounds are well-maintained and that our surrounding entrance areas are secure.