On acceptance to RBHS, an iPad deposit is required to confirm your son’s place. RBHS fees are payable over 10 months, from January to October, by debit order or EFT. A 5% discount applies to fees that are paid in full before 31 January.
2024 Fee Structure
- R76 900 per annum for Grade 8 (includes R4 000 iPad prepayment).
- R71 900 per annum for Grades 9.
- R74 650 per annum for Grade 10 (includes R5 750 for “The Grade 10 Journey”).
- R68 900 per annum for Grades 11 to 12.
- R65 000 per annum for Boarding House (in addition to school fees).
A voluntary development contribution is set annually and is tax deductible.
Fees are reviewed on an annual basis after the school budget has been determined. They increase annually and are set by the Board of Governors in consultation with the Headmaster.
Professional coaching and music tuition are not included in school fees. Music fees are paid, strictly in advance, to the school bursar. Fees for private coaching / lessons are paid directly to the coach / teacher concerned.
In Grade 10 the boys undertake a compulsory 10 day adventure which focuses on developing responsibility, leadership, co-operation, conflict resolution, tolerance and consideration of others and the ability to stand firm in times of adversity. This event is at an additional cost to the annual fees.