The Arts
IBM’s Global CEO Study (2010) found that creativity is the most crucial factor for future success in our ever-changing world. CEOs are called to lead with creativity, connect with customers in imaginative ways and design their operations for speed and flexibility to position their organisations for twenty-first century success.
The good news is that creativity is a skill that can be learned and Rondebosch Boys’ High School facilitates an environment where it is practiced daily. This includes three academic subjects, Art, Drama and Music, various clubs and societies, cultural assemblies and tours, drama productions, the annual Visual Art Exhibition and numerous musical events throughout the year.
Art students have access to the Art rooms before and after school through the use of a coded door. Senior students work alongside younger students and the Art teachers are usually available to provide guidance and assistance until 16:00.
Once a month, we attend First Thursday exhibitions in Cape Town. All boys are welcome to attend and entrance to the galleries is free.
Putter School: Andrew Putter, an external Art teacher, runs private creative classes in one of the Art rooms from 16:00 – 18:00 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Girls and boys from all high schools are welcome to attend.
We have collaborated with our sister school, Rustenburg Girls’ High School, to create some wonderful productions. Other events during the year include the interhouse plays, Talent Show and outings to theatrical performances to encourage a love of the theatre and an appreciation of the Arts.
Our Music Department has a proud history of producing musicians and ensembles of an enviable standard. We offer individual tuition in woodwind, brass, strings, voice, guitar, drums and percussion. The department is located in the Reeler Music Centre – a purpose-built, well-equipped facility, which boasts classrooms, teaching and practice rooms, a large Band Room, a Music Technology Computer Lab and the 150-seat Reeler Theatre.
We have an extensive Ensemble programme, which is an integral part of our tuition programme. By using the skills which they are taught in their individual lessons, instrumentalists and singers gain practical experience in making music with others. The majority of ensemble rehearsals take place in the morning before school.
Besides performances for school events, engagements at community events and tours, the department has an ongoing series of termly concerts and cultural events throughout the year.
The Chamber Choir is a group of about 25 boys, chosen by audition. The choir sings a variety of music, from contemporary popular songs to a more traditional choral selection. Every three years a large school choir is convened to take part in a long-established tradition which sees the RBHS, Rustenburg Girls’ High School and SACS High School choirs combine to perform a major choral work, accompanied by a full orchestra, in the Cape Town City Hall.
The Senior Concert Band is a group of 40 to 50 wind and brass players, along with a percussion section. The Band rehearses three times a week, playing a repertoire of classical and popular music. Numerous performances are given throughout the year and the Band embarks on a tour every two years.
The Junior Concert Band is a feeder band for the Concert Band. It comprises of mostly younger, developing players and rehearsals are twice a week.
The band consists of guitar, bass, keyboard, drums and vocalists, plus a horn section of up to six brass and saxophone players. The repertoire consists primarily of contemporary dance band material.
The Senior Jazz Band is a classic Big Band lineup of five saxophones, four trumpets, four trombones and a rhythm section consisting of piano, guitar, bass and drums. This band rehearses twice a week, and plays Big Band Jazz from the 1930s to contemporary material.
The Junior Jazz Band is a development/feeder band for the Senior Jazz Band. The musicians rehearse twice a week, and younger instrumentalists are given the opportunity to develop their jazz performance skills.
These Quartets rehearse once a week and play a jazz-based repertoire. Working in a small ensemble places heavy demands on each player, so the quartets offer the more senior saxophonists an opportunity to really hone their performance skills.
The String Ensemble rehearses once a week, playing a program of music mostly selected from the classical repertoire. The string players are also afforded the opportunity to take part in the triennial Combined Schools Concert.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world.”
Albert Einstein
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