
The Rondebosch Old Boys’ Union is one of the largest school alumni organisations in South Africa with some 8,000 members spread over 47 countries. Membership enables Old Boys to stay in touch with fellow classmates and to meet other Old Boys. It is open to all those who have attended Rondebosch Boys’ Prep or High Schools or served as a staff member.

Benefits of life membership
  • The right to wear the Old Boys’ Union official tie. All Matriculants receive their Old Boys’ Union ties as they exit the Memorial Hall after Valedictory Assembly. Ties may also be purchased from the Union’s office.
  • Regular ‘E-news’ updates containing Old Boy and school news.
  • Access to the Old Boys’ Union Facebook (only for Old Boys) and other social media.
  • Invitations to gatherings in the Old Boys’ Union Centre, Union dinners, Sub-Union events (globally) and E-year reunions.
  • Access to the Rondebosch archives.
  • Participation in summer and winter sports matches against the present school boys.
  • Use of the Old Boys’ Union Centre seating during home rugby fixtures.
Privacy policy

It is the Union’s policy to guard members’ privacy. Class lists and contact details are accordingly not provided to Old Boys and third parties, with the exception of those who are organising class reunions or sub-union gatherings and contact information may only be used for these purposes. Contact information and addresses may not be used for commercial or other purposes. Should you want to make contact with a particular fellow Old Boy, please contact the Union’s office.

Staff membership

Rondebosch School staff may also join the Union. Long serving staff wear their Old Boys’ ties with pride on Fridays, which is Rondebosch’s traditional “Tie Day”.


Parents and other Rondebosch supporters

Associate membership of the Old Boys’ Union enables parents and other friends of Rondebosch to continue their association with the schools.