Our Committee

The committee is responsible for managing the Union, for arranging events and interacting with Old Boys with the main objectives of keeping them in contact with each other, maintaining loyalty to Rondebosch and supporting the Schools.

These roles include:

  • Promoting and maintaining interaction and networking amongst Old Boys and other members of the Union.
  • Conveying news and other information about the Schools and the Union.
  • Assisting the Prep and High Schools by, for example, providing financial assistance, guidance and services and also encouraging Old Boys to do so.
  • Assisting with the coordination of fundraising activities.
  • Promoting the interests of the Schools and the Union.
Our committee members

President: Tony Ryan
Chairman: Michael Probyn


  • Richard Berry
  • Rick Briers-Danks
  • Andrew Corlett
  • Brent Farrell
  • Gary Fouché
  • André Ross
  • Andrew Sheel
  • Martin Truter

The Prep School Headmaster, Ian Ryan, and the High School Headmaster, Shaun Simpson, are also members of the committee.