Scholarships and Bursaries
From time to time, the Old Boys’ Union provides funds for boys to attend RBHS and to assist Old Boys with their post graduate education. RBHS scholarships are awarded by the school and not directly by the Old Boys’ Union.
School and Boarding Bursaries
As school fees increase, it has become important to provide financial assistance not only to those in need but also to attract talented boys to the school. If you wish to contribute to the cost of scholarships or bursaries, please contact the Old Boys’ Union office. Donations are deductible from South African taxable income.
Rondebosch Overseas Scholarship
The Rondebosch Overseas Scholarship assists an Old Boy to further his postgraduate studies at an overseas educational institution. On completion of his studies, the recipient is expected to return to South Africa in order for the country to benefit from the knowledge and experience gained abroad. The names of Old Boys who have received this Scholarship are recorded on the Honours Board in the foyer of the High School. Contact the Union office for more information.
Nan Mears Scholarship
Mr Wally Mears, Headmaster of the High School from 1930 to 1951, read for his Master’s degree at Cambridge University. The Nan Mears Scholarship, in memory of Mrs Mears, enables a Rondebosch Old Boy to read law, humanities or the arts at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Mr Mears founded St. Stithians College in 1951 and this scholarship is shared between Rondebosch and St. Stithians alumni. Contact the Union office for more information.